Yashiro Castle[The feature on the castles; Japanese history]

屋代城/アクセス・場所・地図 真田幸隆の調略により村上義清から武田信玄に寝返った屋代正国の居城 屋代城 【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle name]
Yashiro castle
the residence of Yashiro Masakuni where Takeda Shingen came back to sleep from Murakami Yoshikiyo.

Yashiro Castle is a mountain castle located in Yashiro, Chikuma City, Nagano Province.
It is said that it was built by Mr. Yashiro during Eisho and Tenmon Period.

屋代城/アクセス・場所・地図 真田幸隆の調略により村上義清から武田信玄に寝返った屋代正国の居城 屋代城 【お城特集 日本の歴史】

The head of Mr. Yashiro during Sengoku Era was [Yashiro Masakuni]. Tenmon 17 year (1548), he lost his son [Mototsuna] at [the Battle of Uedahara]. After that gradually Mr. Takeda advanced to North and Masakuni, followed Shingen along with Mr. Shiozaki and Mr. Amamiya in Tenmon 22 year (1533).

屋代城/アクセス・場所・地図 真田幸隆の調略により村上義清から武田信玄に寝返った屋代正国の居城 屋代城 【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Eiroku 2 year (1559), Masakuni moved to [Awato Castle]. At that time, Shingen built Kaizu Castle. Because the value of [Yashiro Castle] was decreased, he decided to transfer. At that time, [Yashiro Castle] became abandoned.

屋代城/アクセス・場所・地図 真田幸隆の調略により村上義清から武田信玄に寝返った屋代正国の居城 屋代城 【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Tensho 3 year (1575), he lost his second son [Masanaga] at the Battle of Nagashi, and the nephew [Yashiro Hidemasa] was adopted. Tensho 10 year (1582), when Mr. Takeda was destroyed Masakuni followed Nobunaga, and [Mori Nagayoshi] was given Shinano.

屋代城/アクセス・場所・地図 真田幸隆の調略により村上義清から武田信玄に寝返った屋代正国の居城 屋代城 【お城特集 日本の歴史】

In addition, it is also said that he died in Eiroku 4 year (1561) at the 4th battle of Kawanakajima. Bending wheel, soil and other things are left on the current Yashiro Castle ruins.

〒387-0013 3077 Yashiro, Chikuma City, Nagano Province


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